NFT ERC721: FarmCity uses the ERC-721 standard for its NFTs, which ensures that each token is unique and represents a specific plot of land on our farm. This standard allows for the secure and verifiable ownership of digital assets on the blockchain, making it easy for investors to trade their NFTs or hold them as long-term investments.
YieldVault: The YieldVault is where the profits generated from the farm are stored and distributed. After each farming cycle, profits are deposited into the YieldVault, where they are allocated based on the number of NFTs held by each investor. This system ensures that all NFT holders receive their fair share of the farmβs earnings, which they can withdraw at any time.
FarmVault: FarmVault serves as the marketplace for buying and selling FarmCity NFTs. Investors can easily resell their NFTs on FarmVault, offering liquidity and flexibility. Additionally, FarmVault provides a buyback guarantee, where FarmCity commits to purchasing back NFTs at 80% of their value, ensuring a safety net for investors and maintaining confidence in the market.
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